Scottsdale DUI Lawyer Nick Alcock:

If you are reading this right now it is probably because you or a loved one has been arrested for a DUI in the Scottsdale, AZ area. You have come to the right place to get the important legal information you need to know about Arizona DUI law and appearing in Court for your DUI . This DUI site was designed to give you the critical information and resources necessary to understand the basics of DUI charges and its potential consequences.

DUI Defense Attorneys In Scottsdale



scottsdaleBeing charged with a DUI in Scottsdale can be a frightening and intimidating experience. Without question, Arizona has some of the harshest DUI laws in the country. In Scottsdale, these laws are aggressively enforced and DUI charges are seldom dismissed by the prosecution.

If you are stopped by the police in Scottsdale for any reason and the officer believes that you are impaired – even to the slightest degree – they will place you under arrest and take your blood. Once this occurs, you will be facing possible jail time and a suspension of your driver’s license – not to mention the embarrassment and stigma that comes along with a DUI charge. We realize that the vast majority of those charged with DUI in Scottsdale are good people who perhaps made an isolated bad choice or were wrongfully arrested.

The good news is that there are defenses that can be used to steer clear of these penalties. At Alcock & Associates, our Scottsdale DUI attorneys are devoted to the aggressive defense of people just like you. We utilize our vast knowledge of both the law and science of DUI litigation to ensure that you and your rights are protected.

When you go to court in Scottsdale on your DUI charge, the prosecution will be represented by aggressive, experienced attorneys seeking your incarceration. Alcock and Associates firmly believes that our clients deserve the best representation available regardless of whether they were wrongfully arrested or simply had a lapse in judgment and got behind the wheel after having one too many.

We Will Aggressively Fight Your Scottsdale DUI Case



Even in those cases involving a high B.A.C. or particularly unsafe driving, we know that a thorough investigation into the performance of the police and crime laboratory may reveal defenses that could result in your charges or penalty being substantially reduced. For example, if the police have insufficient evidence to place you under arrest, fail to honor your request to consult with a lawyer or neglect to properly inform you of your legal rights, your case may be subject to dismissal by the court. Similarly, if there are any irregularities in the analysis of your blood sample or the machine used by the crime laboratory was improperly maintained, the results of that testing may be inadmissible against you in court. When these issues do arise, they seldom appear on the face of a police report or citation and it is incumbent on your attorney to scrutinize the prosecution’s case if they are to be identified. Having former prosecutors handling your DUI case, we have the experience necessary to ensure that all possible legal and factual defenses have been evaluated in your case.

Whether you ultimately plan on fighting your case at trial or entering into a plea agreement with the prosecutor, Scottsdale DUI Attorneys at Alcock & Associates will aggressively protect your rights and make sure you are treated fairly.

Experience DOES matter



Be aware that not all lawyers or law firms have the necessary experience and proven track record to represent you on a DUI. If you’ve been arrested on DUI charges of any kind you need to choose a qualified Arizona DUI lawyer quickly. A competent and skilled Arizona DUI Attorney will be able to evaluate your situation and set an effective strategy to get you the best result possible.

Contact the Scottsdale DUI Lawyers at Alcock and Associates, P.C. today at 602-989-5000 for a free consultation.

It is important for someone arrested for DUI to contact a DUI lawyer within 10 calendar days after the arrest in order to avoid mandatory license suspension consequences. This applies to persons with an Arizona license as well as those with out of state driver’s licenses. If the individual waits until his or her Court date the driving privilege will have already been suspended and there will be no ability to obtain a hearing to fight the suspension at the DMV. In most cases we can appear in Court and resolve the criminal charges without the client having to appear. We can also fight the DMV suspension without our client needing to testify or appear at the administrative hearing.

Being Represented by the Right Lawyer Makes All the Difference

Quite simply, the decisions made following a DUI arrest will determine your future. Even if you think your case looks too bleak to fight because of the evidence you feel might be used against you, you should never just settle outright for a guilty plea. Being convicted for a DUI obviously leaves you with a criminal record, some likely jail time and significant fines which could take years to pay off. Also, a DUI conviction will most likely cost you your job (not to mention permanently damage your chances of ever finding another one like it down the road – especially if the DUI is charged as a felony).

What makes Alcock & Associates the right DUI Defense Lawyer for you?



  1. Excellent, prompt customer serviceAll of our Scottsdale DUI attorneys are available to speak to our clients directly and will provide their cell phone number to you at the outset of the case. I do not believe the client should have to always go through a legal secretary or paralegal in order to speak with their attorney. We keep our clients personally informed and convey the necessary information and advice crucial to allow the client to make important decisions regarding the case. We promise aggressive and diligent representation from the minute you hire Alcock and Associates to represent you.
  2. The initial consultation is ALWAYS free – just call us at 602-989-5000
  3. We are willing to discuss your case with you initially at no charge in order to assess and quickly determine your options regarding your drivers’ license, DMV consequences, Court action and possible employment consequences.
  4. Experience can make all the difference

Our Scottsdale DUI attorneys handle both big and small cases from alcohol-related homicide and manslaughter to infractions such as open container, underage 21 DUI and public intoxication.

We will immediately seek to have our clients released from jail pending any Court appearance. Possible options are a release on the individual’s own recognizance, bail or electronic monitoring program. I believe having a client who is out of jail is essential to eventually prevailing in Court on the criminal charges.

My philosophy is that every case has issues which may form the basis of a viable legal defense, the ultimate decision as to how far the case will go rests with the client. We never pressure a client to enter a guilty plea.

Our DUI attorneys are in criminal court every day and understand how Judges and prosecutors actually view criminal cases. This experience has given us clear insight into the thinking process of those capable of dismissing the case against you.

I will take the case to a jury trial if the facts and circumstances warrant it at no extra charge to you.

I strive to avoid jail or any incarceration for my clients, even when they may be charged with multiple prior convictions, felony DUI, speed enhancements, child endangerment allegations, hit and run associated with the incident or have a pending probation violation.





With no obligation of any kind to use, you can speak to a skilled Scottsdale DUI attorney today! We will carefully go over your arrest details and can discuss the very best defense strategies to fight your case. Time is a critical factor in every DUI case in Scottsdale. Knowing what to do and what actions to take can make all the difference. Alcock & Associates is here to help you get started in the right direction.

Please give Alcock and Associates at call today to speak with a highly qualified Scottsdale DUI lawyer today for a free consultation at 602-989-5000.

This website is not intended to replace legal advice. We are not responsible for changes in the law. Please consult with an attorney before making a decision about your case.